MyRealtyCheck News & Updates, the Ups and Downs
Throughout the week we'll post highlights across the market to help show the activity that is going on.June 03, 2023
Up, Down, Up, Down!
It seems like lately the prices have been going back up a bit. It's always hard to say why, but with very few listings there has been some clear change on the trends of the price changes on this site. That being said it looks like things could start going down again soon. When looking at the average price change here, it will pretty much always be a negative number whether a hot or cold market, but the number will be much lower in a buyers market, like -4% to -7%, and usually 0 to -2.5% in a sellers market. That has been some of the pattern in the past in any case, we will see what the future brings.

March 03, 2023
Vancouver Condo Back for Sale
503-4675 Cambie St VancouverThis Condo sold for $1,694,281 back on Dec 14, 2021. The new owner then put it back on the market in less than a month! Listed for $2.38 million by Jan 5, 2022. Perhaps the realization of selling for a loss has taken over as listings have gone as low as $1.38 million and swing wildly each month. Will it sell?
That's a 32% decrease

January 27, 2023
1968 Old Surrey House, sells twice in 2021, and up for sale again.
5915 132 St, SurreyCheck out the fluctuations on this house! On Jan 19, 2021, it sold for $1,005,000. Then a few months later it sold again for near double, $1,775,000! Now this new owner is trying to get out and manage their losses, it's back up for sale at $1.79 million. Perhaps they should lower the price by a million or more?
Listing Price features a: 79% increase.

January 09, 2023
Empty land in Surrey, on 104 Ave, down $3 million!
14019 104 Ave SurreyBack in May this was listed for $4,999,000. Now it's down to... $2.3 million. That's a huge drop! Have you ever driven by this strange desolate property on the busy 104 Ave?
That's a 54% decrease

January 05, 2023
The House that Cannot Sell?
537 W 64th Avenue, VancouverThis one is interesting for the sheer number of price changes it has had over the years. Since 2018 it's had 20 different price changes! And it's back on the market again now. It's gone as low as $3.5 million, and it's peak price was back in 2018 for $5 million. Will someone please buy the house, it's filling up our database here?!
That's a 21% decrease

January 04, 2023
Vancouver House Going Up and Down like a Yo-yo, $500k at a time.
4312 Perry St, VancouverThis one was listed for $1.5 million in 2021, and then went up to $1.89, before selling at $1.82 million. Then the new owner put it back up for sale a year later in Dec 2022 for $1.49 again. And once again it's gone up, this time to $1.99. Looks like the new owner wanted a bidding war, and is now just recouping losses?

October 27, 2022
Vancouver home goes down almost $1 million.
2125 W 45th Ave, Vancouver, BCThis home was listed for $2,888,000 back in May, and is now down almost a million dollars! It's now listed for... $1,998,800.

October 25, 2022
White Rock home up for sale again, with heavy losses for owner!
919 Stevens St, White RockThis home sold on Nov 29, 2021 for, $1.195 million. Did the buyer get a variable rate mortgage? I say this because they quickly put the home up for sale again in June for $1.6 million! Since then they've lowered it $600K, and are willing to lose $200K just to get rid of it! How low will it go?
That's a 38% decrease

October 15, 2022
House in Surrey Looking for a 3rd owner in 3 years.
9110 128 Street, SurreyThis house sold in May 2020 for $844K, and then nearly doubled in 2021 selling again for $1.4 million. Now it's up in the market again and suddenly no one wants it? It's been listed since August and has had a price decrease. Perhaps they need to decrease closer to that 2020 sale price...
That's a 3% decrease

September 01, 2022
House down over $2 million in Abbotsford
29939 Harris Rd AbbotsfordThis is a strange listing, it's technically considered farm land, and is valuated at $1 million. None the less in February it was listed for $6 million! And has now dropped down to $3.8 million. Can you imagine, 7 months of continual price declines?... Perhaps another few million off the price will help?
That's a 37% decrease

August 03, 2022
Vancouver Home down $500K in 3 months.
3655 Dunbar St. VancouverThis property in Vancouver had a new building completed back in 2016 and listed (and presumably sold) for $3.89 million. It was similarly listed for $3.88 million in May (hoping to break even?), but has now been reduced down $500k. A lot of imagined equity is vanishing with each passing day...
That's a 13% decrease

August 02, 2022
Another Record Breaking Month!
The average price change for July 2022 was -6.61%. That's the lowest ever seen on this site since launching in 2016. What makes this even more crazy is that the highest change % ever seen was only a few months ago in February at 2.3%. This makes it very evident that the market is changing quite fast. It's no longer a sellers market, and it doesn't look like it will be again for quite some time.

July 12, 2022
Going down, $50K at a time, over and over...
4121 Elgin Street, Vancouver,This one's got a persistent seller, persistent in lowering the price, but not lowering it enough to sell. It's been reduced in price $50K four times now in the last 2 and a half months. Perhaps some bigger price drops will help?
That's a 10% decrease

July 09, 2022
Ooops, we bought a house that's overpriced! Let's list it at a $100K loss right away!
7727 127 St Surrey, BCThis house has an interesting sale history... March 22, 2021 Sold for $1.26 million, then in Jan 17, 2022 it sold again for... $1.85 million! This is right during peak market conditions, probably the worst possible time to buy. And now they've already listed the house for sale again, at $1.725 million. They're willing to lose $100K right off the bat, and it will probably go down further from there to sell. This is no mansion... it looks like a very average house...
Listing Price features a: -7% decrease.

July 08, 2022
$1 Million Valuated House in Surrey Sold in January back on Market!
16383 15 Ave SurreyIs this evidence of panic selling, or just a usual flip? This house which is valuated at only $1,049,800 (and certainly doesn't look like it's worth even that much) is back on the market... For $1.9 million! It previously sold in January for $1.48 million. In the meantime the market has gone down... a lot so this could be the most overpriced house in Surrey. Buyer Beware :-).
Listing Price features a: 28% increase.

June 08, 2022
Vancouver home down.... $8 million in price!
1462 Connaught Drive VancouverBack in November this one was listed for $16,800,000, and is now $8,693,000. That's a huge drop!
That's a 48% decrease

June 07, 2022
Delta House Goes down a Half Million in 2 Months
7422 Crawford Drive, DeltaEarly April this home was $1.5 Million, and is now listing for just under $1 million. Perhaps they're looking for a bidding war, or perhaps home prices are going down very fast indeed!

May 19, 2022
Definite signs of market changes all around.
11868 Dunavon Place, RichmondThis house in Richmond gives an example of what's happening all over the market now. A 10% decrease in a short matter of time. It's still $500k over the valuation price as well...
That's a 10% decrease

April 27, 2022
A yo-yo price changer in Surrey
13009 59 Ave, SurreyThis one was $999 in 2020, up to $1.5 million on April 13, and a couple weeks later is back down to $1.2 million. We're seeing strong indicators that the BC markets have peaked and are starting a slow descent....
That's a 20% decrease

April 20, 2022
Langley Listing Goes Down $1 Million
25789 24 Avenue, LangleyListed in March for almost $6 million, this one is now down to about $5 million a month later.
That's a 15% decrease

March 21, 2022
Vancouver home down $1.5 million in asking
3773 Cartier Street, VancouverThis one was listed for almost $10 million back in August, and has now been reduced by about a million and a half. Perhaps price decreases are coming back?
That's a 15% decrease

February 10, 2022
Abbotsford Home goes up $1 million in price!
2784 Mountainview St AbbotsfordThis house has quite the history! Sold on Mar 4, 2019 for $690,000... And then sold again on Oct 6, 2020 for $880,000. But all that is nothing compared to the new listing price... $1,699,900! Not for a mansion, but for an old 1971 house in Abbotsford. Perhaps this should be the dictionary entry for a Real Estate Bubble.
Listing Price features a: 146% increase.

February 08, 2022
Coquitlam House lowers $500K after shooting to the Moon
225 Sicamous Place, CoquitlamThis house listed for $1.8 million back in 2017, and was back up for sale in 2021 for almost $3 million. Now they've lowered it $500k, they're sure playing with the numbers.
That's a 16% decrease

February 03, 2022
Vancouver Home List Price Almost Doubles in 2 Years!
725 Skeena St VancouverThis one sold in the Summer of 2020, and now the seller wants a whole lot more money for the same place...
Listing Price features a: 54% increase.

January 25, 2022
Surrey Home Goes up $600K in a month
7467 Hurdle Crescent, SurreyListed for $1.9 Million in early January, this one is now up to $2.59 Million. Seeing listing increases like this used to be more on the rare side, but seem to be more common in the last few months.

January 11, 2022
Maple Ridge House Being Flipped after just over 4 months
24742 100 ave Maple RidgeThis one is somewhat amusing. They bought it for just over $1 million in late August (and negotiated the price down to do so), and then just over 4 months later are themselves listing it $500K more! I guess they found some problem with the house that required them to raise the price a half million and leave it...
Listing Price features a: 52% increase.

January 04, 2022
Record Price Changes Occurred Last Month
Since tracking price changes in 2016, we've never seen anything like last month. The first overall positive price change marker on record after years upon years of data. Vancouver is still averaging down in listing changes, but the suburbs are mostly averaging up. What seems to be happening is more of a trend toward equalizing prices across regions. Will this continue in 2022? We'll see....

December 29, 2021
Who can be the fastest flipper?
14477 101 Ave SurreySold for $1.6 million on Sep 9, now backup for sale just over 3 months later. How fast can they flip?
Listing Price features a: 40% increase.

December 23, 2021
Surrey property up $2 million since last sale
8846 139A ST SURREYIt's only been 2 years since the last sale, and since they've added a new building. Does that justify a $2 million increase?
Listing Price features a: 261% increase.

December 21, 2021
House Flipping Continues in Vancouver
445 E 44th Avenue, VancouverThis house in Vancouver just sold in February for $1.38 million. Now it's already backup for sale again. It's almost like houses in Vancouver are for making money and not for living in?
Listing Price features a: 23% increase.

December 20, 2021
Why Not? House in Surrey Doubles in Price and then goes up $700K
10618 137a Street, SurreyListed for just $740K in 2017, now it's listed for only... $2 million more?! It was up to $1.9 million in February, and has exploded to $2.7 million as of Dec 20. Maybe they just need to keep increasing the listing price even more? Why not $5 million next eh?

December 19, 2021
A Really Quick Resale in Vancouver
5978 Oak Street, VancouverThis one sold for $1.5 million in April, and is back for sale at $1.65 million. Seems rather fast for a resale?.... And all of this is not for a detached house, but a tiny 3 bedroom Townhouse!
Listing Price features a: 8% increase.

December 14, 2021
Surrey Home Up Almost 500K in less than 2 years?
6077 W Boundary Drive SurreyThis home was sold just over a year ago for $720K, and is now being listed for quite a bit more...
Listing Price features a: 67% increase.

December 11, 2021
Richmond House goes down $820K
7460 Railway Avenue, RichmondThis one was listed in 2018 for $2.9 million, and has recently been relisted again with a decrease of over $800k
That's a 28% decrease

December 10, 2021
Delta home sold in April is back on the Market
10604 RIVER RD DELTAThis owner is looking for a quick resale, and a price increase of $600,000. Has the market gone up that much since April?
Listing Price features a: 33% increase.

December 07, 2021
Surrey home increases 400k in 5 days.
13076 64 Avenue, SurreyThis Surrey house valuated at $844,800 recently increased their listing price more than $444k. Well over double the valuation price now. Will it sell?

December 06, 2021
Burnaby Home Decides to Go for Double!
5655 Patrick Street, BurnabyThis owner has listed their house with 7 different prices in the last 2 years. Valuated at $1.3 million, the owner has decided to increase the house $803,000 in price since last listing in August!... That's an increase of $200,000 per month!

December 03, 2021
2 Bedroom Langley Home for 1.6 Million?
5415 203 St LangleyHow does 1.6 million sound for 2 bedrooms in Langley? Well that's the situation with this one, it was sold twice in 2016/2017, and is back up for sale with a huge listing increase.
Listing Price features a: 160% increase.

December 01, 2021
New Build in Vancouver and a $2 Million increase
3057 PENTICTON ST VANCOUVERThis one is quite an indicator of how fast things can change. Sold for a Million in 2018, then rebuilt with a new building, and now it's up to 3.5 million. Will it sell for this much?
Listing Price features a: 190% increase.

November 30, 2021
Unusual property in Abbotsford goes down $701,000
1364 Bradner RoadThis one is interesting... it's valuation price is $52,199 as it is assessed as farm land. None the less it was listed at 2.5 million in April, and is now down to 1.7 million.
That's a 28% decrease

November 29, 2021
Super Fast Resale in New West?
309-331 Knox St New WestCheck out this place... they bought it in September, and have already listed it! Are some people nervous about the market changing direction soon?
Listing Price features a: 30% increase.

November 28, 2021
Surrey Home Rises a Half Million
18531 56A AVE SURREYListing Price features a: 71% increase.

November 25, 2021
Abbotsford Home Asking for 124% Increase
34790 Mcmillan Court, AbbotsfordListing Price features a: 124% increase.

November 26, 2021
West Vancouver Home down $200k
925 Inglewood Avenue, West VancouverThat's a 9% decrease

November 27, 2021
Surrey Home Asking Double Price
12957 98B Ave SurreyListing Price features a: 82% increase.